Ссылки за октябрь 2013

We finally, officially, won’t have to power off during takeoff and landing

Just in time for the winter holidays, we’ll now finally be able to use our gadgets during takeoff and landing.

On Thursday, the Federal Aviation Administration—following the approval of its advisory panel and nearly a year of pressure from a United States senator—announced that "passengers will eventually be able to read e-books, play games, and watch videos on their devices during all phases of flight, with very limited exceptions. Electronic items, books, and magazines must be held or put in the seat back pocket during the actual takeoff and landing roll."

In other words, your device can’t be in your lap or on a tray table—you gotta keep your paws on it.

“We believe today’s decision honors both our commitment to safety and consumer’s increasing desire to use their electronic devices during all phases of their flights,” said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx in a statement. “These guidelines reflect input from passengers, pilots, manufacturers, and flight attendants, and I look forward to seeing airlines implement these much anticipated guidelines in the near future.”

So when can I start listening to my podcasts uninterrupted? It might still be a little while:

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who has lead the charge on this issue, is now turning her attention to make sure that this new policy gets implemented as soon as possible.

“I held the FAA’s feet to the fire to move quickly and responsibly and it has now delivered,” McCaskill said in a statement sent to Ars. “I expect the airlines, as key partner stakeholders who helped produce the recommendations to relax current restrictions, to move quickly so that Americans flying for the holidays no longer face restrictions that make no sense.”

Ars is currently contacting a number of US-based airlines to find out their planned policy changes.

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Derailed — 7 баллов из 10

A good thriller: it's been a long time since I've felt protagonist's despair in a movie

нетрадиционно объектно-ориентированный

making sense rarely matters

Parker — 5 баллов из 10

Rather basic criminal drama

TED: Gary Slutkin: Let's treat violence like a contagious disease

Артемий Трегубенко: «wow, that's interesting: violence as a phenomena behaves similarly to contagious diseases, and when you treat it same way as these diseases it also responds same way — decreases»

Physician Gary Slutkin spent a decade fighting tuberculosis, cholera and AIDS epidemics in Africa. When he returned to the United States, he thought he'd escape brutal epidemic deaths. But then he began to look more carefully at gun violence, noting that its spread followed the patterns of infectious diseases. A mind-flipping look at a problem that too many communities have accepted as a given. We've reversed the impact of so many diseases, says Slutkin, and we can do the same with violence. (Filmed at TEDMED.)

A Good Day to Die Hard — 6 баллов из 10

A decent action movie

The Words — 6 баллов из 10

The movie is well directed, and for a moment I thought I was getting these people… but no, I didn't get them. Maybe you will.

Warm Bodies — 7 баллов из 10

A romantic-sarcastic comedy about love of a young zombie and the daughter of surviving humans' leader

information wants to be sold

Zero Dark Thirty — 6 баллов из 10

The movie is based on real story of killing bin Laden but is very far from reality. It's interesting to watch, though.

Ботанический сад

всюду анализ

сегодня мне почему-то запала в голову увиденная в фейсбуке рифма «Буратино — бурая тина». Вернее, я даже не сразу понял, что это рифмуется, а когда заметил, долго удивлялся, что такое можно придумать. Впрочем, если отвлечься от целого слова, и начать присматриваться к отдельным слогам, то получается довольно просто

тут же всплыла ассоциация с методом рисования, о котором я когда-то давно читал: нужно отвлечься от цельного вида объекта, и постараться увидеть отдельные линии, и рисовать их сами по себе. Если сделать это по возможности точно, то потом они сложатся в правильный образ целого

если подумать, то то же самое мы делаем и в программировании, разделяя объекты на порции информации и отдельные функции. На этой ассоциации я понял, что нашёл анализ в программировании, рисовании и стихосложении. Ведь анализ это и есть разложение целого на составные части и их изучение

как обычно: началось интересно, а закончилось банальностью : )

Arbitrage — 5 баллов из 10

A movie about why you shouldn't invest in Russia

Detachment — 5 баллов из 10

Struggling teachers deal with tough issues at school

Silver Linings Playbook — 7 баллов из 10

I didn't like most of romantic movies about mentally troubled people, but this one is good. It takes a bit of patience to go through first part, but then it's much better.

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