Wow, it's the first time I see good morals being mentioned in "Terms and Conditions". By the way it's funny how after visiting US I started reading user manuals, and after moving to Germany I started reading ToS'es and other legalese.
A properly thrilling zombie thriller with some nice touches
A band of seemingly nice B-movie stars are being critical about themselves and show why they are unlikely to survive Rapture/Apocalypse. Best watched stoned.
The movie puts a grown-up guy back to his college to find some deeper meaning in his encounters, but fails
A married couple gets a first day away from their in years, so they finally can contemplate what's happening with their lives, and that doesn't end well
An poker-faced guy with a knack in killing people gets his dream job and lives happily for many years until he's forced to do some freelancing
Some love stories that failed to get any message through
Boring movie about juvenile awkwardness in relationships
Typical "don't go there!" space alien thriller
A good movie for fans of martial arts interested in some history, but for me most of it was boring except for actual fights and some, not all, beautiful shots.
A rare case of sequel being better than the first movie
Peter Jackson takes quite some liberties altering the plot to provide more room for special effects which he delivers in the best possible quality, so 10/10 for these. But I guess I didn't want to be surprised when watching this movie, and its other features deserve only 6/10. Totals to 8/10.
Concealed motives of your partner might be dangerous, but when combined with concealed powers the danger increases tenfold.
Артемий Трегубенко: «An interesting research of how being rich (even game-money rich) changes one's behavior»
It's amazing what a rigged game of Monopoly can reveal. In this entertaining but sobering talk, social psychologist Paul Piff shares his research into how people behave when they feel wealthy. (Hint: badly.) But while the problem of inequality is a complex and daunting challenge, there's good news too. (Filmed at TEDxMarin.)
«Home alone» in the White House with big men's toys
после прошлогоднего просмотра Хоббита в кино я решил перечитать книгу. Пользуясь моментом, на английском. И в ней я обнаружил одну деталь, которую не замечал раньше, хотя скорее всего по малолетству, а не из-за нюансов перевода.
удивила меня сквозящая в книге расчётливость персонажей, вернее, насколько часто там упоминали контракты и договорённости. Гномы нанимают квалифицированного специалиста по взлому и оформляют с ним очень детальный договор. Бросаясь их догонять, хоббит забывает даже носовой платок, но, несмотря на все душевные переживания, не забывает контракт. Распределение долей в соответствии с договором многократно упоминается по ходу книги. Если мне не врёт память, в документе описаны даже похоронные расходы.
вот такая получается волшебная деловая европейская сказка. Кроме неё я смог вспомнить контракт только в истории про Rumpelstiltskin, и то в оригинале его нет, он появился только в Шреке.
Quite standard scenario of undercover agent infiltrating a terrorist group and changing sides. However it is well directed and entertaining.
Would you like to know the exact moment when you will meet someone to happily live ever after? What if it's in 15 years? What if you're 14 and it's tomorrow? Here's a nice research of that.
A few really old guys with criminal past figure out they are completely out of chewing gum
Nice slapstick comedy without rude jokes but with awesome made-up animals
A rather basic sci-fi story. The most memorable moment is two flying machines slamming each other instead of shooting.
A story of a few hardcore but a bit dimwit Norwegians
Finally there will be a planetary standard for energy socket. Only fruit company customers will still be buying adapters.