Ссылки за июнь 2024

Hit Man — 7/10

I saw this movie labeled a black comedy, but to me it’s not that dark, and I wouldn’t really consider it a comedy. The story is good though, and humorous enough, and does call to mind some nicer movies with Jason Bateman, one of the producers. All this trumps the somewhat lacking artistic range, and even the predictable moments. But maybe not the smartypants face of the philosophy professor.

Oppenheimer — 7/10

Come to this movie with moderate expectations, and you’ll like it. It has great actors doing their best, and nice production values. However, I only realized in the middle of the story that I was watching a favorite American genre: the court drama. Well, not exactly court, and not that dramatic, but the point stands. All in all, it is educational. Might even be the best educational film, but only in this league.

Mars Express — 7/10

A nice sci-fi cartoon with a memorable style and interesting characters. Even though it has some slips on the science front, it is a great fun to watch. The story takes a rather unexpected turn in the end, biting off a chunk that’s challenging to chew, but it is all in all thought-provoking.

Remember — 7/10

This movie masterfully teases us with the pieces of the puzzle. It has managed to keep the intrigue despite being as slow as the old protagonist. He’s mostly baffled by the happenings, and I frankly don’t know how much artistry is required from the actor for that. The finale is great, even though it potentially supports a wrong cliché. Maybe that’s negated by supporting a bunch of the right ones.

Фраза дня по итогам голосования за 06 июня 2024

Пока каждый занимается своим делом, бесхозные дела сбиваются в стаи и нападают на зазевавшихся бездельников.

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