Ссылки за август 2024

Анекдот дня по итогам голосования за 23 августа 2024

– Привет! Подскажите, как найти девушку, если всё время на работе, а свободного времени еле хватает на элементарные домашние обязанности?

– А что ты собираешься делать с найденной девушкой? Водить с собой на работу?

STUDY: Germany spends billions on climate-harming subsidies each year

A study commissioned by the German ministry of economics (BMWK) calculated exactly how much the government spends on subsidies that increase greenhouse gas emissions.

The Holdovers — 7/10

This bittersweet movie doesn’t feel like it was created in 2023, and I don’t mean the period it depicts. Something like the directing style is a few decades old, in a good sense. Its characters are not very pleasant people on the surface, but they have depth, and I liked getting to know them better. And we do get the answer to the most excruciating question we’ve been staring at this whole time.
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