В Yahoo! опубликовали спецификацию на YQL - Yahoo! Query Language - язык запросов для получения данных из информационных массивов Yahoo! Причём доступ к данным производится через специальный вебсервис, а результаты можно получить в XML или JSON. Нехватает толькок Thrift./
При том что сама по себе идея очень интересная, она так и просится в различные системы раскрытия информации и предоставления онлайного программного доступа к массивам данных.
Кросспост из Иван Бегтин. Комментарии можно оставлять здесь или здесь.
To date, Yahoo! have definitely been the biggest champion of microformats among high profile large web companies. As commented here many times, they implement microformats in many of their properties, and their new SearchMonkey search platform even indexes microformatted content, and makes this index available to search application developers.
We’ve also seen quite some interest from Mozilla, with for a while, the promise of native microformats UI support in Firefox 3 (and a microformats javascript API in that browser).
Now, Microsoft, who’ve been doing some interesting microformats related things with hSlices have released some excellent microformats oriented tools and more.
First up, their new web developer/designer focussed community, Mix Online (which features a microformats 101 style article by me, and a Designing with Microformats article with Tim Aidlin) kicks off with a strong Microformats focus.
But the most exciting news is a new Microformats toolkit from Microsoft. It includes an add in for the IE toolbar, called Oomph, that, similar to Operator, provides access to users to the microformatted content on any web page they visit. Here it is in action on my (sadly out of date) personal site
Even better, they’ve released a JavaScript library at you can add to your own sites to provide the same user experience to users of any contemporary browser.
And the same toolkit provides a set of CSS based designs for hCard and hCalendar content you can add to your own sites, and plugins for creating microformatted content for a raft of blogging and CMS tools, including Blogger and Wordpress, in addition to Sharepoint and LiveWriter by Microsoft. Grab the toolkit here.
to me this is the most important and exciting step - increasing signs of Microsoft walking the open, standards and community talk that we’ve been seeing for the last year or two. Well done to them on this.
Just a disclaimer re the article at Mix Online, and my relationship with Microsoft generally. I was not paid for that article, and while Microsoft have been sponsors of various events I run, I’m also on the record with as much criticism as praise for their efforts over the years.