Ссылки о веб-разработке за июнь 2009

Firefox 3.5 for developers

Firefox 3.5 for developers. It’s out today, and the feature list is huge. Highlights include HTML 5 drag ’n’ drop, audio and video elements, offline resources, downloadable fonts, text-shadow, CSS transforms with -moz-transform, localStorage, geolocation, web workers, trackpad swipe events, native JSON, cross-site HTTP requests, text API for canvas, defer attribute for the script element and TraceMonkey for better JS performance!


Вообще общение с плейером в телефоне напоминает мне один диалог в годы учебы на Физфаке:

— Юноша, что вы понимаете в оптимизации кода? Мы десять лет назад программировали в машкоде СМ ЭВМ на специальной консоли: сунул в дырку штифтик - единица, нет — ноль.
— Удивили, я почти так писал в школе для 6502, шестнадцатиричное счисление выучил как родное.
— Нееет, юноша! Дело не в счислении. Когда штифтики в коробке заканчивались — тут и начиналась самая оптимизация!

Карточка памяти на 256 мегабайт, и максимум 30 треков в плейлисте. Задача — не сдохнуть со скуки в метро. В итоге путём еженедельных манипуляций по удалению недостаточно бодрых треков и добавлению новых получается такой адреналиновый коктейль, под который можно прошагать, не напрягаясь, километров десять.

Update: для любопытных — плейлист тут: http://sergeax.livejournal.com/1930984.html?thread=18146280

Верстальщик, сущ.: человек, умеющий сделать так, чтобы не ломалось в IE6.

"A Computer is a state machine. Threads are for people who can’t program state machines."

“A Computer is a state machine. Threads are for people who can’t program state machines.”

- Alan Cox - Wikiquote

Declaring Security

Recently, a number of people have asked me what I think about Mozilla’s Content Security Policy draft spec.  Back in January, I went on record as being someone who thinks that CSP is a good idea. 

CSP is a mechanism for declarative security, whereby a site communicates its intent and leaves it up to the user-agent to determine how to enforce it.

There are a number of benefits to declarative security mechanisms:

  1. Reduced compatibility risks. Because sites must opt-in and declare what, if any, restrictions they want, new security features may be added to the user-agent with decreased compatibility fallout.
  2. Clear intent. By plainly declaring which restrictions are desired, browsers need not try to “guess” the site’s intent.  For instance, when explaining that frame-breaking JavaScript cannot be relied upon to prevent ClickJacking, Kymberlee noted:

    If you don’t design something to prevent a security vulnerability, odds are that it doesn’t do a very good job of doing it.

    Because declarative security features are designed solely to mitigate security threats, browsers may implement the restrictions however they want, and can patch any holes found in the restrictions without unexpectedly breaking unrelated functionality.

  3. Usability. By allowing a site to declare its security policy, browsers can make some security decisions on the user’s behalf.
  4. Auditability. It is straightforward to build tools that scan content for policies and determine if they meet the publishing organization’s expectations.

Internet Explorer has a rich history in this space: HTTPOnly, SECURITY=RESTRICTED frames, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Download-Options, X-Frame-Options are all declarative security mechanisms first implemented in IE, and now supported by other browsers to varying degrees. 

The ideas behind the CSP draft are not new, and it is but one of many proposals for declarative security, from BEEP to HTML5 sandboxing.  In some respects it overlaps with other mechanisms for restricting script, although if CSP is successful, new directives will likely be created to provide uniform specification of the available policies.

While valuable, declarative security mechanisms are not without their challenges:

  1. Plugins. Unless plugins have been blocked outright, they must be aware of, and enforce, the declared security policies.  Because plugins are provided by many different vendors, this requirement may prove challenging in real-world deployments.
  2. Misconfiguration.  CSP is only as valuable as the policies configured by the developer or administrator, and a number of major sites have suffered breaches due to misconfiguration of security policy files. Ira Winkler claims [p143] that government studies indicate that 70% of computer intrusions are a result of configuration problems.
  3. New attack surface. The very mechanisms used to implement CSP will be probed by hackers, and comprehensive fuzzing and penetration testing will be required to help mitigate the attack surface added.  Furthermore, if a hole is found that enables an attacker to circumvent a given policy within a given user-agent, that user-agent’s reputation may be harmed-- even if other user-agents do not attempt to support that policy.
  4. Debuggability. Web developers already face significant challenges in developing their pages, and introducing new security policies will require that tools be updated to clearly indicate when content has been blocked due to security policies. Sites might inadvertently set overly restrictive policies and failure to catch mistakes via comprehensive testing could lead to a confusing user experience.
  5. Dynamic content. It may prove difficult to author workable policies for some dynamic-content scenarios (e.g. email composition, blog authoring, etc) because the user may herself add content to a given page from origins unknown to the web developer.
  6. Adoption. Perhaps the biggest challenge for CSP and competing proposals is related to the fact that they offer “off-by-default” security.  While this is great for compatibility, it’s not-so-great for protecting sites and users, because benefits are only attained after web developers update their sites.  To succeed, CSP must balance power/flexibility against simplicity/understandability.

No security technology is a panacea, and for comprehensive protection, I think browsers need to offer both:

  1. Rich security APIs that enable sites to prevent XSS attacks.
  2. Automated protections to shield sites that can’t/won’t update their code immediately / ever.

To combat XSS attacks, IE8 introduced a number of attack-surface-reductions, a few new APIs, as well as the declarative security mechanisms (X-* headers) mentioned above. But we knew that sites wouldn’t immediately adopt these APIs and declarative security features, so we built the XSS Filter, an on-by-default, no-questions-asked, no-code-changes required mechanism which helps mitigate the most common types of XSS attacks in the wild today.

I’m eager to see the progress on CSP, which I believe is a promising approach to helping websites secure themselves against the growing alphabet soup of web threats.  You can provide feedback on the CSP draft spec using Mozilla’s Talk page.

-Eric Lawrence

The Resource Expert Droid

The Resource Expert Droid. Like the HTML Validator but for your server’s HTTP headers—extremely useful.

JavaScript performance? What about layout performance?

Performance benchmarks are all the rage these days, but everyone seems to be focusing narrowly on artificial benchmarks that basically tell you how certain browsers perform at the particular JavaScript functions chosen for those particular benchmarks.

It's surprising that there is little or no focus on other, perhaps more relevant performance aspects of modern pages. For example, how do browsers perform when it comes to dynamically changing the style of a page (CSS)? ...

Microsoft to ignore web standards in Outlook 2010 - enough is enough

Django news: Google AppEngine теперь поддерживает Django 1.0

Let's make the web faster - Google Code

Лучший способ встраивать видео

Лучший способ встраивать видео: Поддерживает: , flash, quicktime, media player, и просто загрузку. Без яваскрипта, валидный, и т.п.

XHR progress event and rich file upload feedback

XHR progress event and rich file upload feedback: It demonstrates how to do multiple simultaneous file uploads without posting a form or leaving the current page. For each file upload / download we display the current speed, % complete, and bytes transmitted.

Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts STRAIGHT ; )

I think I like this campaign much better than the one from Microsoft:

Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts STRAIGHT

Opera Unite Web server benchmark

If you are wondering how the Web server in Unite performs, our friend over at unitehowto.com has benchmarked it.

His benchmarks show that Opera Unite can do up to "impressive 800 requests per second" on decent hardware, and even with dynamic content. You also can't DDoS a person via Opera Unite. He also says that Opera Unite uses "very smart file I/O", and that even if you save data to file, you can push out 744 requests per second.

As a comparison, PHP+Apache+MySQL is almost 2 times faster, nginx (one of the fastest servers available) is only 5 times faster, and the MadFish WebToolkit ("compiled raw C++") Web server is only 6 times faster.

Still, he concludes, Unite beats them both at ease of use.

Read more: Opera Unite benchmark @ unitehowto.com

Want a site that works perfectly in IE6? Fine, but it’ll cost you about 20 to 30% extra.

Shared by arty
a source within a large company told me they are seriously considering installing Opera as the real browser on their internal network, and use IE6 only for accessing their internal apps

Recently I held a presentation at a local Microsoft conference in the Netherlands. Slides are here. Fanatical followers will recognise most of the topics I discussed from earlier slide shows, but the last one, about the changes to the market share of IE6, 7, and 8, is new.

Basically, IE6 will continue to exist when IE7 has all but disappeared, and, contrary to what you might expect, this situation will create exciting opportunities for Microsoft’s competitors.

Besides, last week the news came that Microsoft is going to voluntarily de-bundle IE from all Windows 7 machines that will be sold in Europe, and I continue to have my doubts about that affair.

So it’s time for a special State of the Browsers IE edition.

C64 Twitter client

C64 Twitter client. Awesome.

Premailer — preflight for HTML e-mail — dunae.ca

LOL: The Future of Facebook Usernames - Anil Dash

LOL: The Future of Facebook Usernames - Anil Dash: A first wave of “It’s alive! Go get your name!” posts go up on various technology blogs, noting that the service is running a little bit slow. None of these posts mention that you can also register a real domain name that you can own, instead of just having another URL on Facebook.

Facebook Usernames and OpenID

Shared by arty
Instead, Facebook take advantage of the little known checkid_immediate mode. Once you’ve associated your OpenID with your Facebook account (using the “Linked Accounts” section of the settings pane) Facebook sets a cookie remembering your OpenID provider, which persists even after you log out of Facebook. When you later visit the Facebook homepage, a checkid_immediate request is silently sent to your provider, logging you in automatically if you are already authenticated there.

Today’s launch of Facebook Usernames provides an obvious and exciting opportunity for Facebook to become an OpenID provider. Facebook have clearly demonstrated their interest in becoming the key online identity for their users, and the new usernames feature is their acknowledgement that URL-based identities are an important component of that, no doubt driven in part by Twitter making usernames trendy again.

It’s interesting to consider Facebook’s history with regards to OpenID and single sign on in general. When I started publicly advocating for OpenID back in 2007, my primary worry was that someone would solve the SSO problem in a proprietary way, irreparably damaging the decentralised nature of the Web—just as Microsoft had attempted a few years earlier with Passport.

When Facebook Connect was announced a year ago it seemed like my worst fears had become realised. Facebook Connect’s user experience was a huge improvement over OpenID—with only one provider, the sign in UI could be reduced to a single button. Their use of a popup window for the sign in flow was inspired—various usability studies have since shown that users are much more likely to complete a SSO flow if they can see the site they are signing in to in a background window.

Thankfully, Facebook seem to understand that the industry isn’t willing to accept a single SSO provider, no matter how smooth their implementation. Mark Zuckerberg made reassuring noises about OpenID support at both FOWA 2008 and SxSW 2009, but things really stepped up earlier this year when Facebook joined the OpenID Foundation Board (accompanied by a substantial financial donation). Facebook’s board representative, Luke Shepherd, is an excellent addition and brings a refreshingly user-centric approach to OpenID. Luke was previously responsible for much of the work on Facebook Connect and has been advocating OpenID inside Facebook for a long time.

Facebook may not have committed to becoming a provider yet (at least not in public), but their decision to become a consumer first is another interesting data point. They may be trying to avoid the common criticism thrown at companies who provide but don’t consume—if they’re not willing to eat their own dog food, why should anyone else?

At any rate, their consumer implementation is fascinating. It’s live right now, even though there’s no OpenID login box anywhere to be seen on the site. Instead, Facebook take advantage of the little known checkid_immediate mode. Once you’ve associated your OpenID with your Facebook account (using the “Linked Accounts” section of the settings pane) Facebook sets a cookie remembering your OpenID provider, which persists even after you log out of Facebook. When you later visit the Facebook homepage, a checkid_immediate request is silently sent to your provider, logging you in automatically if you are already authenticated there.

While it’s great to see innovation with OpenID at such a large scale, I’m not at all convinced that they’ve got this right. The feature is virtually invisible to users (it took me a bunch of research to figure out how to use it) and not at all intuitive—if I’ve logged out of Facebook, how come visiting the home page logs me straight back in again? I guess this is why Luke is keen on exploring single sign out with OpenID. It sounds like the current OpenID consumer support is principally intended as a developer preview, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they change it based on ongoing user research.

As OpenID provider implementation is an obvious next step that can’t be that far off—I wouldn’t be surprised to hear an announcement within a month or two.

HTTP redirect codes

As an aside, I decided to check that Facebook were using the correct 3xx HTTP status code to redirect from my old profile page to my new one. I was horrified to discover that they are using a 200 code, followed by a chunk of JavaScript to implement the redirect! The situation for logged out users is better but still fundamentally flawed: if you enable your public search listing (using an option tucked away on www.facebook.com/privacy/?view=search) and curl -i your old profile URL you get a 302 Found, when the correct status code is clearly a 301 Moved Permanently.

One final note: it almost goes without saying, but one of the best things about OpenID is that you can register a real domain name that you can own, instead of just having another URL on Facebook.

"As soon as you receive a password, hash it using PBKDF2 and erase the plaintext password from..."

“As soon as you receive a password, hash it using PBKDF2 and erase the plaintext password from memory.”

- Cryptographic Right Answers

A quote from Benjamin Pollack

And that is why, in 2009, when developing in Microsoft .NET 3.5 for ASP.NET MVC 1.0 on a Windows 7 system, you cannot include /com\d(\..*)?, /lpt\d(\..*)?, /con(\..*)?, /aux(\..*)?, /prn(\..*)?, or /nul(\..*)? in any of your routes.

- Benjamin Pollack

Windows 7 / Европейские версии Windows 7 будут без Internet Explorer

Microsoft планирует убрать Internet Explorer из версий Windows 7, которые будут продаваться в Европе из-за проблем с антимонопольными законами. Выбор поставляемого браузера останется за производителями компьютеров.

Согласно исследованиями AT Internet Institute в Европе распространенность у IE 59.5%, у Firefox 31.1%. Opera имеет 5 процентов, а Safari 2.5%. Потери IE за период с апреля по ноябрь 2008 года составили 5%.

Урезанная Windows 7 «E» будет продаваться на территории Европейского Союза, а также в Хорватии и Швейцарии. Microsoft также уберет свой браузер из европейских версий Windows 7 «N», в которых нет Windows Media Player.

Для производителей компьютеров Microsoft предложит бесплатный«IE 8 pack», позволяющий вернуть IE обратно в систему, что также может быть важным для обычных покупателей Windows 7, поскольку отсутствие браузера не даст прямой возможности скачать альтернативу.

via CNET (рекомендую ознакомиться с оригиналом).

Официальное заявление Microsoft

Обновление: тема получила развитие — Удаление IE из Windows может усугубить ситуацию — Евросоюз.

Europe to get Windows 7 sans browser | Beyond Binary - CNET News

"Blogger feeds support … OAuth. Clients are most welcomed."

“Blogger feeds support … OAuth. Clients are most welcomed.”

- OAuth for RSS - Google Groups

Google's Page Speed Optimization Add-on

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Очень крутая штука : )

Google has released a Firefox add-on called Page Speed. It integrates with another add-on, Firebug, and is aimed at web developers trying to make their pages faster. “Page Speed is a tool we’ve been using internally to improve the performance of our web pages,” Google writes.

To use this, once you installed Page Speed and restarted Firefox, expand Firebug and switch to the Page Speed tool tab. Move to your page, then click the Analyze Performance button. After a short loading time you’ll be presented with a handy list of things you did right, and things Google thinks you did wrong. The latter can be expanded so you can read up on the help provided in regards to issues like “Leverage browser caching”, “Remove unused CSS”, “Combine external JavaScript” and so on (you can also click on the entry to be taken to a longer explanation). Neat!

Also see YSlow, another Firebug add-on (this time by Yahoo) that “analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance”.

[Thanks Hebbet and TomHTML!]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Google's Page Speed Optimization Add-on | Comments]

[Advertisement] Google books on Amazon

But hopefully with development of HTML5 there will be no need to have Flash support in Chrome really soon...

ID Selector - Making OpenID easier

"Net Applications, к сожалению, чисто коммерческий проект. Нам предлагали поднять свои позиции в этой..."

“Net Applications, к сожалению, чисто коммерческий проект. Нам предлагали поднять свои позиции в этой статистике за деньги, мы отказались.”

- “Справедливо поставлять Windows сразу с несколькими браузерами на выбор” - Slon.ru

Opera 10b1

This article details all the exciting new standards support and standards-related features available in the new Opera 10 beta. Dive in, install the beta, have a play around, and let us know what you think.

YUI Theater — Charles McCathieNevile: “Opera Dragonfly”

Charles McCathieNevile of Opera; May 26, 2009, at Yahoo!

One of the first YUI Theater videos years ago was published after Joe Hewitt came to Yahoo! to talk about the 1.0 release of Firebug, and back in those days Firebug was a paradigm shift — it had a convenient interface that combined DOM inspection and debugging, and it allowed developers to finally put the venerable Venkman on the shelf.

The Firebug model has penetrated into other browser families today, and today IE8 and Safari both have capable developer tools while Firebug soldiers on in service to Firefox. None of the tools is perfect, but Firebug has served as a good proof-of-concept for what a multipurpose, extensible inspector/debugger toolkit can do.

Opera is now innnovating on this front as well, and Charles McCathieNevile, Chief Standards Officer, stopped by Yahoo! on May 26 to tell us about their latest effort: Opera Dragonfly. Dragonfly will work with Opera 9.5 and later, and it’s a novel approach — implemented as a widget using JavaScript and CSS and proposing a new “Scope API” that (if agreed upon by browser makers) could allow for a common debugging platform. Dragonfly is fully open-sourced.

Slides from Charles’s talk are available as zipped HTML files.

The embed from Yahoo Video follows; a higher-resolution version, along with a transcript, is available from the YUI Theater site.

Charles McCathieNevile: "Opera Dragonfly" @ Yahoo! Video

download (m4v)

In Case You Missed…

Some other recent videos from the YUI Theater series:

Subscribing to YUI Theater:

любительские технологии

у меня в голове давно уже вертится сравнение html и php. Эти технологии сильно похожи между собой в плане устойчивости к ошибкам идиота автора-любителя. Можно написать почти какую угодно чушь, и она будет как-то понята браузером или интерпретатором. Эта особенность невероятно сильно сыграла на руку обеим технологиям: каждая из них стала потрясающе популярной. Из этого можно сделать вывод, что для массового распространения системы нужно делать её максимально дуракоустойчивой, что достижимо, только если не особо задумываться о «правильности» применяемых решений.

однако, приобретая такую популярность, технология роет самой себе большую яму. Миллионы любителей используют самые неудачные особенности первых версий, и полагаются на страннейшие свойства защиты от дурака. И чтобы не потерять главную ценность — базу пользователей — технологии приходится очень сильно вкладываться в обратную совместимость. Поэтому она асимптотически устремляется к состоянию, когда чуть менее, чем полностью, состоит из legacy.

тут я хотел сослаться на хороший пост Станиса «Жрецы программирования», но его блог, видимо, умер, поэтому придётся передать мысль своими словами. Есть различие между «магами» и «жрецами». У жрецов очень развита память, поэтому они дословно помнят канон и кучу томов комментариев к нему. У магов память слабее, зато развит логический аппарат, поэтому они находят в данных взаимосвязи, и запоминают только их, сохраняя при этом способность восстановить исходные данные. К компьютерным системам эту идею можно приложить вот как: в high-legacy системе автору нужно помнить огромное число логически бессвязных особенностей (и даже не пытаться обобщать их), тогда как в случае low-legacy достаточно знать небольшой набор правил, описывающих множество случаев. Менее очевидна мысль о том, что хороший программист в первую очередь специализируется на поиске закономерностей и обобщении, поэтому работа с legacy непосредственно вредит ему своим запретом на обобщения.

возвращаясь к теме html/php, хочу привести кричащий пример такого отложенного выстрела в свою ногу, который и сподвиг меня на новый пост. Итак, «the day supporting document.onload became a bug». Добро пожаловать в мир, где крупнейшие браузеры не запускают событие load на document! То есть, document.onload не срабатывает никогда. Запишите, дети, ибо понять это невозможно ©

справедливости ради следует отметить, что проблема legacy в случае php и html возникает из-за их сильной централизации. Скрипты на php обычно свалены тысячами у одного хостера с одной версией языка. Веб-страницы на html так вообще просматриваются жалким десятком (ну пусть даже двумя десятками) браузеров. А вот в случае тоже ориентированной на любителя jquery этой проблемы нет, потому что каждый любитель сам выбирает, с какой версией библиотеки будут работать его скрипты, и это не изменится даже через десять-пятнадцать лет.

кстати, рекомендую весь блог hallvors — этакие «записки веб-патологоанатома», любопытно бывает почитать

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